We are not talking about a rebuilt engine here, we are talking about a brand new fresh out of the foundry L-134 engine block. Yes, really, they now exist. Commence celebrating.
We supply spare parts for all types of Jeeps - Military and Civilan - Old and New (02) 6762 8666
We are pleased to advise that Marathon Spares has been given the Australian distributorship by Hanson Mechanical for the new flathead engine blocks being manufactured at present and will be available by mid November.
To quote Hanson Mechanical
We are not talking about a rebuilt engine here, we are talking about a brand new fresh out of the foundry L-134 engine block. Yes, really, they now exist. Commence celebrating.
You can read the full story here and also another good article from the 4 Wheeler Network website "VINTAGE JEEP ENGINE BLOCKS NOW AVAILABLE"